Yamuna Expressway Properties |
Frequently Asked Questions for YEIDA Plots (FAQ for Yamuna Authority Plots) Updated - 12th March 2021
Que 1: What are documents required for Registration of Yamuna Authority Plot (YEIDA plot)? Answer: Below are the documents required for registry of a Yamuna Authority Plot: 1. A covering letter which mention that you are allottee of a xyz plot and you want to do lease deed. Asking for a permission. 2. Four number of Passport size color photographs 3. Your signature attested by bank or gazetted officer 4. Your Adhar Card 5. Your Pan Card 6. Pan card of two witness 7. Copy of a check list letter (You will receive this from Yamuna Authority for lease deed of your plot). 8. Affidavit-cum- undertaking (As per format provided by Yamuna Authority on their web site) 9. Original & photo copy of Allotment letter 10. Photo copy of all payment challan self attested 11. Copy of agreement to lease if prior done. 12. Receipt of amount paid as per calculation in accordance with the chek list letter (You must pay prior to submitting all these papers)
For resale queries of Yamuna Authority plots, whatsapp/ call us @ 9717452701
Disclaimer: There may be change in the process as this is as per March 2021 and based on publically collected information. Please consult Yamuna authority customer care or any lawyer for accurate details.
————————————————————————————— SQUARE METERS Realtors Pvt. Ltd. - Deals You Deserve - Office Address : FF-33 & 34, 1st Floor, SNG Plaza, Ansal Golf Link 1, Greater Noida
For resale queries of Yamuna Authority plots, whatsapp/ call us @ 9717452701
To Sell your Property, Please Whatsup Or SMS PROP SALE on 9717452701 & receive call back.
Que 2: I have lease done for my plot but I haven’t got possession yet, can I sale my plot? Are transfers open for 2009 YEIDA residential plots scheme? Answer: Yes, if you have lease done for your plot, you can sale and get it transferred in the name of buyer as transfers are open for a residential plots in 2009 scheme for Sector 18 & 20 as per now (Oct 2019).
Any seller can sale his property for whom possession is not given (For unregistered Plots). It doesn’t matter if lease is done or not. The seller has to do registered agreement to sale (with 2% stamp papers) and transfer can be done. It is very easy process. In case of any doubt, please whatsapp/ call 9811007432.
Que 3: What is the current allotment rate and current transfer charges for a residential YEIDA plot? Answer: Transfer charges are 5% of current allotment rate, which is applicable on Sector 18 & 20 YEIDA 2009 scheme plots: Allotment Rate: Rs. 17500 per sq mtr (As per Mar 2021) Transfer Charge: Rs. 832.50 per sq mtr (5% of current allotment Rate plus taxes) Rs. 200 per sqm other charges
For example, for 300 meter plot, transfer charges applicable are: Rs. 2,48,250/- and for 500 meter plot, transfer charges applicable are: Rs. 4,13,750/- (Taxes Extra)
Que 4: What is allotment cost and what are additional charges to be paid (Or Paid) for any residential YEIDA plot? Or What is total cost of a YEIDA plot to any allottee? Or What are various charges to register a plot? Or How much is the lease rent for a 300 meter plot? Or What are Current Circle Rate? Answer: The additional charges apart from allotment cost on any plot are listed below:
1. Allotment Cost = 4750/- per sq meter, For 300 meter, it is Rs. 4,750 per sq mtr x 300 sq mtr = Rs. 14,25,000/- 2. Interest component you have paid in 50-50 Or 30-70 plan over 8 years, For example in 300 meter you may have paid Rs. 1900 per sq meter under 30-70 plan, so approximate = 1900 x 300 = Rs. 5,70,000/- 3. Lease Rent = Initial allotment Rate x 10% = Rs. 4750 per sq mtr x 300 sq mtr = Rs. 1,42,500/- 4. Farmer Compensation = Rs. 1,330 per sq mtr x 300 sq mtr = Rs. 3,99,000/- 5. Stamp Duty = Current Circle Rate x 7% = Rs. 17,500 x 7% = Rs. 1,225 per sq mtr x 300 sq mtr = Rs. 3,67,500/- 6. Registration Charges Fee = Rs. 20,100/- 7. Lawyer’s Charges = Between Rs. 7000/- to 10000/- depends upon various lawyers 8. Miscellaneous Expenses (Approx Rs. 100 per sq meter) = Approximately 30,000/- to 35000/- on 300 meter plot.
Note/ Disclaimer: There may be change in the process as this is as per October 2019 and based on publically collected information. Please consult Yamuna authority customer care or any lawyer for accurate details.
Que 4: Are Yamuna Authority 2009 scheme plots free hold or lease hold? What is lease hold, What is lease rent? Answer: All plots allotted by Yamuna authority are on lease hold. The 3 authorities in Gautam Budh Nagar 1) Noida Authority 2) Greater Noida Authority and 3) Yamuna Authority does allotment of plots on lease hold for 90 to 99 years which means they remains owner of the land and they allot land to allottee on rent and charges lease rent against it. Residential land in Gautam Budh Nagar is leased by these authorities for a period of 90 years. Lease properties can’t be divided into smaller pieces.
Que 5: What are transfer and registration charges on various sizes of plots in Sector 18 & 20? Answer: The available sizes for resale under 2009 residential plots scheme are 300 sqm, 500 sqm, 1000 sqm, 2000 sqm & 4000 sqm. The transfer and registration charges are as below:
Size Total Transfer Charges Break Up - (YEIDA DD @ 832 per sq meter + Misc Charges @ 200) 300 sqm 3.1 Lakhs (2.49 Lakhs + 60K misc charges) 500 sqm 5.15 Lakhs (4.16 Lakhs + 1 Lakh) 1000 sqm 10.32 Lakhs (8.32 Lakhs + 2 Lakhs) 2000 sqm 20.64 Lakhs (16.64 Lakhs + 4 Lakhs) 4000 sqm 41.28 Lakhs (32.28 Lakhs + 8 Lakhs)
Size Total Registry Charges Break Up - (Stamp Charges @7% + Processing Fees@ 1% + Misc charges @100) 300 sqm 4.5 Lakhs (3.67 Lakhs + 52.5 K + 30K) 500 sqm 7.5 Lakhs (6.125 Lakhs + 87.5 K + 50K) 1000 sqm 15 Lakhs (12.25 Lakhs + 1.75 Lakhs + 1 Lakh) 2000 sqm 30 Lakhs (24.5 Lakhs + 3.5 Lakhs + 2 Lakhs) 4000 sqm 60 Lakhs (49 Lakhs + 7 Lakhs + 4 Lakhs)
Size Total Charges (Registry + Transfer) 300 sqm 7.6 Lakhs 500 sqm 12.66 Lakhs 1000 sqm 25.32 Lakhs 2000 sqm 50.64 Lakhs 4000 sqm 1.0128 Crore
Que 6: What are unregistered & Registered plots? Answer: All plots allotted in 2009 were unregistered once. When Yamuna authority develop any plot it is unregistered. Unregistered doesn’t mean it is unauthorised. Unregistered simply means registry is not done yet. Once authority give allotment, it develop plot with all facilities like roads, sewerage, electricity, water pipeline and does demarcation of the plot. Then authority sends offer of possession to allottees. Allottee then execute the registry (lease deed) and plots get registered and called registered plot.
Unregistered Plots - Unregistered plots have 2 categories 1) First category is where development is going on and offer of possession is not received yet. 2) Second category is where development is almost complete and offer of possession is received. These plots also can be transferred, by transferring these plots seller saves registration cost, these plots can be registered immediately by buyer after the transfer (TM) as letter for possession is received against the property. In case any further clarification is required, please call us.
Que 7: What is Lease Rent, How much, Who has to Pay, Is it one time? Answer: All Gautambudh Nagar allotted properties are lease hold properties. For these the lease rent for 90 year or 99 years at some places needs to be paid. In YEIDA one time lease rent for 90 years to be paid to authority. It is 10% of the allotment cost. This is paid at the time of possession for all YEIDA plots. The lease rent needs to be paid at the time of possession. When YEIDA sends allottee offer of possession, it adds lease rent in possession time charges.
Que 8: Where is Film City? How Far is it? Is it adjacent to YEIDA Plots? Answer: Film City is located in Sector 21 on Yamuna Expressway and very near to YEIDA city. It is adjacent to Yamuna Expressway and adjacent to Sector 20 YEIDA Plots. It is 0 KMs from YEIDA Plots, there is only a 60 meter road between YEIDA plots and Film City.
Que 9: How far is Noida International Airport (Earlier Jewar International Airport) from YEIDA Plots in Sector 20 & 18? Answer: Noida International Airport site is 10 KMs towards Agra from Sector 20.
————————————————————————————— SQUARE METERS Realtors Pvt. Ltd. - Deals You Deserve - Office Address : FF-33 & 34, 1st Floor, SNG Plaza, Ansal Golf Link 1, Greater Noida
For resale queries of Yamuna Authority plots, whatsapp/ call us @ 9717452701
Que 10: Are plots in YEIDA sectors lease hold? What are major differences between lease hold and free hold? What after 90 years? Answer: Yes, Plots in YEIDA allotted sectors are lease hold. Not even YEIDA, all allotment plots in Greater Noida and Noida (Gautambudh Nagar) are lease hold. The major differences between lease hold and free hold properties in Gautambudh Naar are listed below: 1) The lease hold plots all allotted either for 99 years or 90 years lease. 2) The lease hold plots can’t be further divided (Registered), it will be registered and maintained as a single unit for 90 years (lease period) 3) The independent floors can’t be sold or registered (Until the project is approved as Group Housing Project), this way the unit is a single unit for 90 years or for the lease period. This way the density of Sectors is controlled in an efficient way. No Parking or density issues. 4) No boundary disputes and no floor disputes. As all properties in a row are owned by Authority, there are no boundary issues or demarcation issues. There are no floor issues. There are lesser number of property disputes in case of lease hold Properties. 5) In free hold properties, normally the plot can be further divided into smaller pieces and even independent floors can sold. There are density issues in free hold areas. 6) In Gautambudh Nagar the ownership of lease hold properties are still with Authority and properties are allotted for 90 years. There are minor issues or no issues of encroachment are reported.
After 90 years, the lease hold properties can be renewed further by paying 10% of the allotment price.
Que 11: Is bank loan available on YEIDA plots in Resale? Which banks and How much loan we can get? Answer: Most of the nationalized and semi-nationalized banks including SBI and most of the private banks are providing loans on Registered YEIDA plots (Only Registered Plots) in resale. The nationalized banks provides normally 60% of the circle rate but private banks even provide 70% or even more depending upon the client profile.
Que 12: Is it safe to buy a plot in resale? What is the process? Answer: Buying a plot from SQUARE METERs is absolutely safe. The resale process is very neat and clean. You can speak to any of our executive. For Yamuna Authority Plots, if you have ready payment and if you are paying in 5-7 days, you can only pay a small amount of token money to confirm a deal and rest of the amount you can pay on transfer of the plot. In case you need more time, you can only pay 5% or 10% of the deal amount and rest you can pay on transfer of the property.
Que 13: What is completion? Answer: After physical possession there is maximum time to do minimum construction, also called completion. In YEIDA, the 50% of the minimum area needs to be covered where other mandatory things are 1) Boundary wall 2) Iron Gate 3) Working wash room 4) Kitchen 5) and at least a room.
Que 14: When we can start construction? What is construction time provided for completion in these plots? Is there any penalty if we don’t do construction within specified timeframe? Answer: The construction can be started immediately after the physical possession. Normally the physical possession is giving within few days of registration. The minimum construction area is 50% and maximum time for making a completion is 3 years after physical possession. Yes, there is penalty %age if we don’t do construction within 3 years and penalty increases every year by few % decided by authority.
Que 15: What is maximum construction allowed on 300 or 500 sqm plots? What is FAR? How much floors we can construct? Is basement allowed? Answer: The maximum construction is 75% where 25% area needs to be open from back & front as per Authority Byelaws. Total 2.5 floors can be constructed where basement is allowed as well.
For resale queries of Yamuna Authority plots, Please Whatsapp or whatsapp/ call us @ 9717452701
Disclaimer: All information provided are based on the information available in public domain, please check the authorized documents from Authority website.
SQUARE METERS Realtors Pvt. Ltd. - Deals You Deserve - Office Address : FF-33 & 34, 1st Floor, SNG Plaza, Ansal Golf Link 1, Greater Noida
To Sell your Property, Please Whatsup Or Call on 9717452701 |
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